Knuckleball pitcher Wilbur Wood |
Orioles' screwball pitcher Mike Cuellar |
Tiger catcher Bill Freehan |
I didn't create these two faces but I like the screenshot. |
Not great but much better than a Johnny Podres face. |
Reggie's face came with the game. I redid to look more like him. |
Oakland A's outfielder Tommie Reynolds |
Journeyman closer/reliever Bob Locker |
Love those Seattle Pilots uniforms. :) |
Game came with Juan Marichal face but I redid it so he didn't have to share it with Billy Williams. |
Giants' outfielder Ken Henderson |
Created his face using Eric Milton's. |
Twins' first baseman Rich Reese |
I didn't create this face either. But the pic kind of funny. |